1) What was the first video game ever made? a) Pong b) Minecraft c) Roblox d) Among us e) Fortnite f) Fall guys 2) Who created Minecraft? a) Noch b) Mojang c) Epic Games d) Riot clint e) Steam f) Crazy Games 3) what video game was created in 1986? a) Super Mario Bros. 2 b) Call of Duty c) Minecraft d) Roblox e) Among Us f) Fortnite 4) What is the max level in Prodigy a) level 100 b) level 10 c) level 20 d) level 30 e) level 40 f) level 50 5) What was the first Pokemon game released? a) Pokemon Red & Green b) Pokemon Gold & Silver c) Pokemon Ruby & Sappire d) Pokemon Indigo leage e) Pokemon Jouneys f) Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 6) Who is the fastest Minecraft speedruner? a) Dylan D C 14 b) Dream c) Teachnoblade d) Mr. Beast e) Graystillplays f) Recrap2 7) Who is the best Bed Wars player a) Manhal_IQ b) Teachnoblade c) Recrap2 d) Mr.Beast e) Dylan D C 14 f) Dream 8) When was Prodigy created? a) 2015 b) 2010 c) 2013 d) 2020 e) 2021 f) 2022 9) What was Minecraft’s original name? a) Cavegame b) Bloxils c) Minecraft d) Fortnite e) League of legends  f) Roblox

Video games



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