1) To do something very carefully a) cautiously b) trickle c) marveled d) mighty 2) Small amount of slowly flowing water a) hoard b) distant c) mighty d) trickle 3) To feel surprised or amazed by something a) cautiously b) proclaimed c) marveled d) distant 4) Strong and powerful a) majestic b) mighty c) hoard d) sumptuous 5) Something that is far away a) distant b) majestic c) sumptuous d) trickle 6) To say something in a strong way to show it is important for others to hear a) hoard b) cautiously c) marveled d) proclaimed 7) Impressive and beautiful a) mighty b) distant c) majestic d) hoard 8) Looks expensive or impressive a) distant b) trickle c) cautiously d) sumptuous 9) A group of valuable things kept in secret and guarded a) hoard b) mighty c) proclaimed d) majestic

Module 1 Week 3 Vocabulary



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