
A1 a2 th voiced and unvoiced

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Rasta 10 000+ pagal a1 a2 th voiced and unvoiced

AEF1 U2A - Pronunciation "th" voiced and unvoiced
AEF1 U2A - Pronunciation "th" voiced and unvoiced Priskyrimas grupėms
Kid's Box 3 U3 Vocabulary
Kid's Box 3 U3 Vocabulary Židimas „Kartuvės“
Speaking Challenge A2
Speaking Challenge A2 Atidaryk langelį
A2 - giving your opinion
A2 - giving your opinion Laimės ratas
AEF Starter U6B - A typical day
AEF Starter U6B - A typical day Diagrama su kortelėmis
Who's who?
Who's who? Diagrama su kortelėmis
AEF1 - U1C - Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives
AEF1 - U1C - Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives Užbaikite sakinį
AEF Starter Countries and Nationalities vocabulary
AEF Starter Countries and Nationalities vocabulary "Flash" kortelės
AEF Starter U6A - simple present
AEF Starter U6A - simple present Diagrama su kortelėmis
Present Simple - 3rd person
Present Simple - 3rd person Užbaikite sakinį
Be - affirmative, negative and interrogative
Be - affirmative, negative and interrogative Viktorina
AEF1 U2A - Vocabulary 'THINGS'
AEF1 U2A - Vocabulary 'THINGS' "Flash" kortelės
AEF1 U1B Numbers 21-100
AEF1 U1B Numbers 21-100 Kryžiažodis
AEF1 U1A 'BE' page 125
AEF1 U1A 'BE' page 125 Viktorina
What is your dream home?
What is your dream home? Laimės ratas
AEF 2B Grammar - Adjectives
AEF 2B Grammar - Adjectives Diagrama su kortelėmis
AEF1 U1C - Classroom language
AEF1 U1C - Classroom language Rask tinkamą
AEF1 U3A Vocabulary - Verb Phrases
AEF1 U3A Vocabulary - Verb Phrases Diagrama su kortelėmis
Countries and Nationalities
Countries and Nationalities TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency Viktorina
Questions about you - 'be' practice
Questions about you - 'be' practice Laimės ratas
Let's talk about you
Let's talk about you Laimės ratas
Past simple of 'be'
Past simple of 'be' Viktorina
Who am I?
Who am I? Vaizdų viktorina
Tell me about you
Tell me about you Atidaryk langelį
AEF1 U5A - Verb Phrases
AEF1 U5A - Verb Phrases Diagrama su kortelėmis
Would you like to...?
Would you like to...? Laimės ratas
Places in the City
Places in the City Viktorina
What do you usually do when it's...
What do you usually do when it's... Laimės ratas
AEF1 2C Vocabulary - Feelings
AEF1 2C Vocabulary - Feelings Diagrama su kortelėmis
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives Rask porą
AEF1 U4A - VOCABULARY 'FAMILY' "Flash" kortelės
IRREGULAR VERBS:  Verb - Past Participle
IRREGULAR VERBS: Verb - Past Participle Žodžių paieška
Let's talk about the future?
Let's talk about the future? Atsitiktinės kortos
Types of TV programmes and films
Types of TV programmes and films Diagrama su kortelėmis
Spooky story
Spooky story Užbaikite sakinį
Past Continuous
Past Continuous Iššifruok
Which room is this?
Which room is this? Vaizdų viktorina
Kid's Box 3 Unit 5 'Must/Mustn't'
Kid's Box 3 Unit 5 'Must/Mustn't' TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Body parts quiz
Body parts quiz Židimas „Kartuvės“
AEF Starter - Countries vocabulary
AEF Starter - Countries vocabulary Kryžiažodis
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives Rask porą
AEF1 U2B - Can you name...?
AEF1 U2B - Can you name...? Laimės ratas
Kids Box 3 U3 - A day in the life
Kids Box 3 U3 - A day in the life Viktorina
Past simple - VERBS
Past simple - VERBS Kryžiažodis
Past Simple: Questions & Negatives
Past Simple: Questions & Negatives Viktorina
adjectif possessif
adjectif possessif Laimės ratas
Vocabulário - Divisões e objetos de casa (ptpt)
Vocabulário - Divisões e objetos de casa (ptpt) Diagrama su kortelėmis
REVIEW (A1) Rasti tinkamą
HANGMAN (A1) Židimas „Kartuvės“
REGULAR VERBS (A2) Rasti tinkamą
3A Comparative and Superlative
3A Comparative and Superlative TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Let's talk about houses?
Let's talk about houses? Atidaryk langelį
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