He has got medium lenght straight blond hair. She's wearing a dark blue school uniform, He is plump. He has got brown eyes. He has got glasses. He is wearing a striped T-shirt., He has got long straight brown hair. She is wearing a flowery dress and brown shoes., He has got curly dark hair. He is wearing jeans and red trainers, He has got grey hair and green eyes. He is wearing a green cardigan and brown trousers, She is old. She has got blue eyes. She has got glasses.She is wearing a grey shirt,a black skirt and a necklace., She is short.She has got short brown hair. She is wearing a pink dress, He is tall and thin. He is wearing a dark blue cap and an orange jacket, She has got dark skin and wavy dark hair. She is wearing a purple top and a scarf., He has got spiky red hair. He has got freckles. He is wearing a checked shirt and white shorts., He is bald. He has got brown eyes. He is wearing light blue sweater and brown shoes, She has got curly blond hair. She has got blue eyes. She is wearing a spotted top, red shorts, hairband and sandals., He has dark hair. He is wearing a red checked shirt. He is wearing jeans and brown shoes..

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Vizualinis stilius


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