
Go getter 4

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clothes (to be +) go getter 1 unit 2
clothes (to be +) go getter 1 unit 2 Viktorina
GG3_Unit 5 Clil
GG3_Unit 5 Clil Rask tinkamą
Music collocations GG4 unit 5
Music collocations GG4 unit 5 Rask tinkamą
Go getter 2_Warm up + revision (name 5)
Go getter 2_Warm up + revision (name 5) Laimės ratas
Go Getter 3 2.1 Shopping
Go Getter 3 2.1 Shopping Rask tinkamą
You should...
You should... Atidaryk langelį
Go getter 3 To be - past simple
Go getter 3 To be - past simple Viktorina
Go getter 3 unit 5.5 klyukva
Go getter 3 unit 5.5 klyukva Užbaikite sakinį
Past simple irregular verbs drill 1
Past simple irregular verbs drill 1 Atsitiktinės kortos
Using technology GG2
Using technology GG2 Rasti tinkamą
GoGetter3 U6 Cooking verbs
GoGetter3 U6 Cooking verbs Rask tinkamą
Go Getter 3 Unit 2.1 Shopping Quiz
Go Getter 3 Unit 2.1 Shopping Quiz Rask tinkamą
Go Getter 4 Unit 6.1 Environment verbs
Go Getter 4 Unit 6.1 Environment verbs Rask tinkamą
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Personal information (5)
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Personal information (5) "Flash" kortelės
Go Getter 3 Unit 3.1 p.35 ex.1 (Make pairs)
Go Getter 3 Unit 3.1 p.35 ex.1 (Make pairs) Rask tinkamą
Go getter 1 0.3
Go getter 1 0.3 Vaizdų viktorina
GG3_4.4 revision
GG3_4.4 revision Židimas „Kartuvės“
have to + - ?
have to + - ? Atsitiktinės kortos
Gg3/1.5/personality adjectives
Gg3/1.5/personality adjectives Atidaryk langelį
Who says this? GG3 U2.4
Who says this? GG3 U2.4 Priskyrimas grupėms
Go Getter 1. Unit 4.3 Possessive adjectives
Go Getter 1. Unit 4.3 Possessive adjectives Viktorina
GG3_6.4 Communication
GG3_6.4 Communication Iššifruok
have to ? - +
have to ? - + Atsitiktinės kortos
Go Getter 4 Unit 1.3 Princess Zara
Go Getter 4 Unit 1.3 Princess Zara Užbaikite sakinį
GG2 Unit 7
GG2 Unit 7 Žodžių paieška
Go Getter 2 | Irregular verbs | Unit 6.3
Go Getter 2 | Irregular verbs | Unit 6.3 Pataikyk į kurmį
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Phone number (4)
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Phone number (4) "Flash" kortelės
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Address (2)
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Address (2) "Flash" kortelės
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Names (1)
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Names (1) "Flash" kortelės
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Email (3)
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Email (3) "Flash" kortelės
clothes go getter 4
clothes go getter 4 Rasti tinkamą
GG1 adjectives
GG1 adjectives Laimės ratas
Go Getter 3 Unit 3. Going on holiday Flashcards
Go Getter 3 Unit 3. Going on holiday Flashcards "Flash" kortelės
Wider World 3 (Unit 1.4/ Ex 4)
Wider World 3 (Unit 1.4/ Ex 4) Užbaikite sakinį
Relationship and conflicts
Relationship and conflicts Atsitiktinės kortos
GG4 p 73
GG4 p 73 Teisingai arba neteisingai
Go getter 2 places in town (WarmUp)
Go getter 2 places in town (WarmUp) Laimės ratas
Go Getter 4 Unit 6.2 1st conditional - Make a sentence
Go Getter 4 Unit 6.2 1st conditional - Make a sentence Iššifruok
GG4 Man-made or Natural objects
GG4 Man-made or Natural objects Apversti plytelės
Go Getter 3 2.1 Adjectives 1
Go Getter 3 2.1 Adjectives 1 Rask porą
Go Getter 4 Unit 1.3 Princess Zara V2
Go Getter 4 Unit 1.3 Princess Zara V2 Užbaikite sakinį
Go Getter 2 U1.6 My favourite day
Go Getter 2 U1.6 My favourite day Užbaikite sakinį
Pronouns Pataikyk į kurmį
Go getter 1 6.4 grammar
Go getter 1 6.4 grammar Teisingai arba neteisingai
GG2 Unit 4 Geographical features
GG2 Unit 4 Geographical features Rasti tinkamą
Chores Apversti plytelės
Name 3 clothes or accessories
Name 3 clothes or accessories Apversti plytelės
GG1 U3.1 In the house
GG1 U3.1 In the house Anagrama
Irregular verbs Go Getter 2 unit 6
Irregular verbs Go Getter 2 unit 6 Rask porą
Go Getter 4 Unit 4.5 Life stages
Go Getter 4 Unit 4.5 Life stages Rask tinkamą
Go Getter 4 Unit 4.1 Types of books
Go Getter 4 Unit 4.1 Types of books Rask tinkamą
Go Getter 4 Unit 6.1 Wild animals
Go Getter 4 Unit 6.1 Wild animals Rask tinkamą
Go Getter 4 Unit 5.6 Personality Qualities
Go Getter 4 Unit 5.6 Personality Qualities Rask tinkamą
Go Getter (3) 4.5 Flashcards
Go Getter (3) 4.5 Flashcards "Flash" kortelės
  Go Getter 1  2.1 Clothes
Go Getter 1 2.1 Clothes Rask tinkamą
 Go Getter 3 Unit 2.1 Shopping Quiz (1)
Go Getter 3 Unit 2.1 Shopping Quiz (1) Rask tinkamą
Go Getter 1. Unit 4.3 Has got / Have got (questions and answers)
Go Getter 1. Unit 4.3 Has got / Have got (questions and answers) Laimėti arba pralaimėti viktoriną
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