
10 to 15

Mūsų bendruomenės pavyzdžiai

Rasta 10 000+ pagal 10 to 15

Spin & Count
Spin & Count Laimės ratas
Addition to 10 Math Quiz
Addition to 10 Math Quiz Viktorina
Verb Tenses Marathon
Verb Tenses Marathon Laimės ratas
number 1 to 10
number 1 to 10 Viktorina
one-to-one corr. 10-15
one-to-one corr. 10-15 Rask porą
telling time to the 15 mins
telling time to the 15 mins Labirintas
Subitize Up To 10
Subitize Up To 10 Viktorina
 Addition up to 10
Addition up to 10 TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Number Bonds to 10
Number Bonds to 10 Viktorina
Rounding to 10
Rounding to 10 Pataikyk į kurmį
Number Wheel to 10
Number Wheel to 10 Laimės ratas
Numbers 1 to 10
Numbers 1 to 10 Rask porą
Numbers 10 to 20
Numbers 10 to 20 Viktorina
Ways to Make 10
Ways to Make 10 Pataikyk į kurmį
Addition up to 10
Addition up to 10 Viktorina
Number Bonds to 10
Number Bonds to 10 Viktorina
Addition sentences to 10
Addition sentences to 10 Pataikyk į kurmį
Subtraction up to 10
Subtraction up to 10 Rask tinkamą
Counting  Objects to 10
Counting Objects to 10 Rasti tinkamą
Ways to Make 10
Ways to Make 10 Rask tinkamą
Addition up to 10
Addition up to 10 Rask tinkamą
WH Questions related to immediate environment (15)
WH Questions related to immediate environment (15) TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
FOR or TO?
FOR or TO? Užbaikite sakinį
Rounding to the nearest 10
Rounding to the nearest 10 Priskyrimas grupėms
Rounding to the nearest 10
Rounding to the nearest 10 Viktorina
to be: is am are. Make Negative form
to be: is am are. Make Negative form Atsitiktinės kortos
Used to
Used to Viktorina
GOING TO (A2) Atidaryk langelį
Have to or Can?
Have to or Can? Viktorina
to be: is am are
to be: is am are Užbaikite sakinį
Chapter 10-Telling Time Bingo
Chapter 10-Telling Time Bingo Atsitiktinės kortos
Number Bonds to 20
Number Bonds to 20 Rask tinkamą
Add to 10
Add to 10 Laimės ratas
Addition to 20 Wac-a-Mole
Addition to 20 Wac-a-Mole Pataikyk į kurmį
Partners to 10
Partners to 10 Rask porą
Comparing Numbers to 10
Comparing Numbers to 10 TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Subtraction to 10
Subtraction to 10 Atidaryk langelį
Sets to 10
Sets to 10 Rasti tinkamą
Partners to 10
Partners to 10 Rasti tinkamą
Adding 1 to 10
Adding 1 to 10 Rask porą
Numbers 1 to 10
Numbers 1 to 10 Rask porą
Missing addends to 10
Missing addends to 10 TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Doubles to 10
Doubles to 10 Rask tinkamą
Get to the top 2, Module 3a, Grammar: Future Be going to
Get to the top 2, Module 3a, Grammar: Future Be going to Iššifruok
Rounding to Nearest 10 Game Show!
Rounding to Nearest 10 Game Show! TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
How many more to make 10?
How many more to make 10? Balionų sprogdinimas
Numbers 6-10 matching pictures to numbers
Numbers 6-10 matching pictures to numbers Rasti tinkamą
Practicing Addition to 10 (first grade)
Practicing Addition to 10 (first grade) Viktorina
Atkurti automatiškai įrašytą: ?