
Esol english as a second language vowel sounds

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Rasta 10 000+ pagal esol english as a second language vowel sounds

Match the Same Sounds
Match the Same Sounds Rask porą
Big Letter - Small Letter Match
Big Letter - Small Letter Match Rask tinkamą
This is, These are
This is, These are Iššifruok
The verb 'to be'
The verb 'to be' Viktorina
Long a_e words
Long a_e words Pataikyk į kurmį
Subject-Verb Agreement (Be)
Subject-Verb Agreement (Be) Užbaikite sakinį
Smash the Matching Letters
Smash the Matching Letters Pataikyk į kurmį
Green Tea
Green Tea Pataikyk į kurmį
Idioms Laimės ratas
Numbers Rask tinkamą
Sentences and Questions with Colors
Sentences and Questions with Colors Iššifruok
YUN (윤졍미), 2015 Grade 1 Lesson 4 Past Tense
YUN (윤졍미), 2015 Grade 1 Lesson 4 Past Tense Pataikyk į kurmį
Will Priskyrimas grupėms
YUN (윤졍미), 2015 Grade 2 Clothes and Accessories (Practice)
YUN (윤졍미), 2015 Grade 2 Clothes and Accessories (Practice) Diagrama su kortelėmis
y as a vowel
y as a vowel Priskyrimas grupėms
y as a vowel Sentences
y as a vowel Sentences Laimės ratas
Syllable/Vowels Viktorina
Blue 89 y as a vowel sound
Blue 89 y as a vowel sound Priskyrimas grupėms
Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs Užbaikite sakinį
y_vowel Židimas „Kartuvės“
One or Some?
One or Some? Priskyrimas grupėms
YUN (윤졍미), 2015 Grade 1 Lesson 4: What did you do yesterday?
YUN (윤졍미), 2015 Grade 1 Lesson 4: What did you do yesterday? Užbaikite sakinį
y as a vowel
y as a vowel Priskyrimas grupėms
YUN (윤졍미), 2015 Grade 1 Lesson 3.2
YUN (윤졍미), 2015 Grade 1 Lesson 3.2 Labirintas
G2 L5.1 Common Ailments (흔한 병)
G2 L5.1 Common Ailments (흔한 병) Rask tinkamą
YUN (윤졍미), 2015 Grade 2 Clothes and Accessories (Quiz)
YUN (윤졍미), 2015 Grade 2 Clothes and Accessories (Quiz) Rasti tinkamą
YUN (윤졍미), 2015 Grade 2 Lesson 3 "is this" / "are these"
YUN (윤졍미), 2015 Grade 2 Lesson 3 "is this" / "are these" Priskyrimas grupėms
Beginning Sounds- Find the Short "a" Sounds (Phonemic Awareness)
Beginning Sounds- Find the Short "a" Sounds (Phonemic Awareness) Pataikyk į kurmį
What do you like to do?
What do you like to do? Rask tinkamą
Trigraphs /scr/ and /str/
Trigraphs /scr/ and /str/ Pataikyk į kurmį
Vowel Teams
Vowel Teams Anagrama
Unit 3 Building Relationships and Phrasal Verbs
Unit 3 Building Relationships and Phrasal Verbs Rasti tinkamą
Community Heroes
Community Heroes Rask porą
Benefits of Positive Thinking
Benefits of Positive Thinking Priskyrimas grupėms
Homes Around the World (RH GKB L5)
Homes Around the World (RH GKB L5) Rasti tinkamą
Social media and apps
Social media and apps Rask porą
Match Pictures with the Same Beginning Short Vowel Sounds (Phonemic Awareness)
Match Pictures with the Same Beginning Short Vowel Sounds (Phonemic Awareness) Rask porą
Vowel Sounds
Vowel Sounds Priskyrimas grupėms
Fundations Pictures only (sounds)
Fundations Pictures only (sounds) Atsitiktinės kortos
Past continuous
Past continuous Pataikyk į kurmį
Y as a Vowel
Y as a Vowel Priskyrimas grupėms
Y as a Vowel
Y as a Vowel Priskyrimas grupėms
Y as a vowel
Y as a vowel Laimės ratas
Y as a Vowel
Y as a Vowel Rask tinkamą
/y/ as a Vowel
/y/ as a Vowel Priskyrimas grupėms
y as a vowel
y as a vowel Priskyrimas grupėms
Will Matching
Will Matching Rask tinkamą
spelling long vowel sounds
spelling long vowel sounds Anagrama
Whack a Mole: Hebrew vowel sounds (Bah)
Whack a Mole: Hebrew vowel sounds (Bah) Pataikyk į kurmį
Barton 7.8 Hangman Vowel R "EAR" Sounds
Barton 7.8 Hangman Vowel R "EAR" Sounds Židimas „Kartuvės“
Short and Long Vowel Sounds
Short and Long Vowel Sounds Priskyrimas grupėms
Fill in  Has/Have
Fill in Has/Have Viktorina
y as a vowel Sentences
y as a vowel Sentences Laimės ratas
American idioms
American idioms Rask tinkamą
Pronouns Viktorina
Y Words/Defintions
Y Words/Defintions Rask porą
he / she listening comprehension
he / she listening comprehension Rasti tinkamą
Al Harakat -Short Vowels  الحركات القصيرة مع الصور
Al Harakat -Short Vowels الحركات القصيرة مع الصور Atsitiktinės kortos
WAS/WERE Teisingai arba neteisingai
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