abandoned - As a baby he was left by his mother., odd - That's strange - I'm sure I put my keys in this drawer and yet they're not here, trick - She played a really nasty joke on me - she put syrup in my shampoo bottle!, theory - He has a(n) opinion that the hole was caused by a meteorite, myths - Kids like the stories about the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman stories., evidence - The jury heard conflicting stories about what had happened from three different witnesses., reports - She sent in weekly descriptions of events on the situation., tomb - When they opened up the large underground room they found treasure beyond their wildest dreams., treasure - Stories about pirates often include a search for buried very valuable things like golden jewelry., hoax - The bomb threat turned out to be a trick., witnesses - According to people who saw what had happened, the robbery was carried out by two teenage boys., solve - Scientists have been trying to find an answer to this puzzle for years., investigate - Scotland Yard have been called in to examine a crime to discover the truth about the murder., buried - His father is put into the ground in the cemetery on the hill., precious - The museum is full of rare and valuable treasures., mysterious - He died in strange circumstances, and there is still a possibility that it was murder., weaken - The country’s economy continues to become weak., heading - I was going out of the room when she called me back.,

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