1) What angle is this? a) acute b) obtuse c) right d) That's an angle? 2) What angle is this? a) acute b) obtuse c) straight d) right 3) What angle is this? a) acute b) obtuse c) That is not an angle,that is an L d) right 4) What angle is this? a) acute b) obtuse c) right d) straight 5) How many degrees is a right angle? a) 20 º b) 180 º c) 50 º d) 90 º 6) How many degrees is a straight angle? a) 90 º b) 180 º c) 20 º d) 50 º 7) Which degree could be for an acute angle? a) 99 º b) 180 º c) 100 º d) 20 º 8) Which degree could be for an obtuse angle? a) 20 º b) 45 º c) 120 º d) 180 º


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