1) Which number has a 3 in the TENTHS place? a) 34.01 b) 0.340 c) 3.401 d) 340.1 2) Which number represents FOUR AND FIVE HUNDRED THREE THOUSANDTHS? a) 4.503 b) 400.503 c) 4,503 d) 503.4 3) Which number has a 7 in the THOUSANDTHS place? a) 75.985 b) 7.762 c) 2.987 d) 0.472 4) Which answer shows the WORD FORM for 89.450? a) eighty nine and four hundred fifty thousandths b) eight and nine four hundred fifty c) eighty nine and 45 thousandths d) eighty nine four fifty 5) Which number has a 0 in the HUNDREDTHS place? a) 1098.32 b) 76.890 c) 45.205 d) 706.2

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