1) Computer game a) This is b) These are c) That is d) Those are 2) trucks a) This is b) These are c) That is d) Those are 3) a camera a) This is b) These are c) That is d) Those are 4) a kite a) This is b) These are c) That is d) Those are 5) football a) This is b) These are c) That is d) Those are 6) two watches a) This is b) These are c) That is d) Those are 7) a pen a) This is b) These are c) That is d) Those are 8) a eraser a) This is b) These are c) That is d) Those are 9) chairs a) This is b) These are c) That is d) Those are 10) pencils a) This is b) These are c) That is d) Those are



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