1) Where is the dog? a) in front of b) between c) under d) next to e) above f) behind 2) Where is the sheep? a) in front of b) between c) under d) next to e) above f) behind 3) Where is the cow? a) in front of b) between c) under d) next to e) above f) behind 4) Where is the rabbit? a) in front of b) between c) under d) next to e) above f) behind 5) Where is the mouse? a) in front of b) between c) under d) next to e) above f) behind 6) Where is the bug? a) in front of b) between c) under d) next to e) above f) behind 7) Where is the ball? a) in front of b) between c) under d) next to e) above f) behind 8) Where is the ball? a) in front of b) between c) under d) next to e) above f) behind 9) Where is the man? a) in front of b) between c) under d) next to e) above f) behind 10) Where is the dog? a) in front of b) between c) under d) next to e) above f) behind 11) Where is the hammock? a) in front of b) between c) under d) next to e) above f) behind 12) Where is the rabbit? a) in front of b) between c) under d) next to e) above f) behind

Prepositions of Place


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