What is something that you can find in a purse?, What do you keep in your wallet?, What do you put in a piggy bank?, What is something you can't afford to buy right now?, How often do you go shopping for food?, Do you have a bank account? Which bank do you use?, Do you prefer to use cash or credit cards? Why?, Do you use the ATM machine? Why?, How do you pay for your groceries?, Do you save money? Why or why not?, Do you waste money on anything? , How much money would you like to earn?, Have you ever needed to borrow money?, Have you ever lent money to someone?, What is the best purchase you have ever made?, Do you follow a budget? Why or why not?, Where do you go for bargains?, Do you owe money to anyone?, What is your biggest expense?, What do you think is a good wage to live on?, Why are some people in debt?, What food do you spend the most money on?, What are some different kinds of loans?, Are you a thrifty person? Why or why not?.
Money Vocabulary Questions
Redaguoti turinį
Lyderių lentelė
Atsitiktinės kortos
yra neterminuotas šablonas. Jis negeneruoja rezultatų lyedrių lentelei.
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Vizualinis stilius
Būtina prenumerata
Pakeisti šabloną
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