1) The past participle of "do" a) does b) did c) done 2) The past participle of "eat" a) ate b) eaten c) ete 3) The past participle of "swim" a) swim b) swam c) swum 4) The past participle of "give" a) gaven b) goven c) given 5) The past participle of "forget" a) forgotten b) forgetten c) forgeten 6) The past participle of "break" a) broken b) broke c) breaken 7) The past participle of "write" a) written b) wrotten c) wrote 8) The past participle of "read" a) read b) readed c) red 9) The past participle of "build" a) build b) bulit c) built 10) The past participle of "understand" a) understood b) understand c) understanded

Past Participle Verbs

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