I can't wait to hear you sing again., Tom wrote the song that I just sang., I'll tell you what needs to be done., What do Tom and Mary have in common?, What song would you like us to sing?, I don't think I could live with Tom., Boston was a great place to grow up., Did Tom say he thought that was fun?, Come back to the table and sit down., Tom said he would only talk to Mary., I don't often stay up late at night., Tom likes to watch TV while he eats., I'm the only person who can do this., Tom was the only one wearing a suit., How fast can you drive on this road?, Tom hasn't done that in a long time., Let's go out for a drink after work., Tom and Mary are on the same flight., I'm still not sure what I should do., Tom admitted that he had lied to me., I collected stamps when I was a kid., I wonder how Tom learned to do that., You seem to know what to do already., Tom says he doesn't plan to do that., You don't seem very happy to see me., You mean you didn't see Tom do that?, I'm not ever going to do that again., Would you like to know why Tom left?, I was the one who started the fight., I think I couldn't do what Tom does?, I didn't feel tired when I got home., How much do you think Tom gets paid?, Do you really think I'm a bad coach?, Tom isn't likely to want to do that., How many people did you ask to help?, Don't you want to know why Tom quit?, Please tell me I'm not going to die., Tom didn't think it was a good idea., We'll help as many people as we can., Don't you want to know why Tom left?, You're way too old to be doing this., Tom didn't go where he said he'd go., I'm working just as hard as you are., Do you think Tom will go home early?, I'm trying to sell all my old books., Are you and Tom planning to do that?, I'm trying to make up for lost time., Would you like to know what Tom did?, I'm not old enough to join the army., What does it look like Tom is doing?,
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