1) Today, I will walk to school. Yesterday, I _______ to school. a) walk b) walked c) walking 2) Today, I will watch SpiderMan. Yesterday, I _________ Batman. a) watch b) will watch c) watched 3) Today, I will pull my sister's hair. Yesterday, I ________ my sister's hair. a) pulled b) had pulled c) will pull 4) Today, I will push the door open for you. Yesterday, I _______ the door open for you. a) had pushed b) pushed c) was pushing 5) Today, I will kick the ball over the fence. Yesterday, I _________ the ball over the fence. a) kicked b) had kicked c) will kick 6) Today, I will talk to the teacher about my project. Yesterday, I _________ to the teacher about my project. a) talk b) had talked c) talked 7) Today, I will listen to my favorite song. Yesterday, I ________ to my favorite song. a) have listened b) had listened c) listened 8) Today, I will shout louder than you. Yesterday, I _______ louder than you. a) shouts b) shouted c) had shouted 9) Tonight, I will whisper in my brother's ear. Yesterday, I _______ in his ear. a) whispered b) had whispered c) whispers 10) Today, I will laugh at my sister's jokes. Yesterday, I _______ at her jokes. a) had laughed b) laught c) laughed 11) Today, I will cry if the movie is sad. Yesterday, I _____ because the movie was sad. a) cryed b) cried c) had cried 12) Today, I will jump over the fence. Yesterday, I _______ over the fence. a) jumpt b) had jumpt c) jumped 13) Today, I will crawl under my bed. Yesterday, I _______ under my bed. a) crawlt b) crawled c) had crawlt 14) Today, I will peek under the Christmas tree. Last night, I ______ under the tree. a) peeked b) had peeked c) peeks
Regular Past Tense Verbs - Choice of Three
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