Impressments - The act of kidnapping and forcing sailors to serve on Royal Navy ships against their will., Embargo - An economic sanction that prevents goods from being shipped out of one country in order to hurt the economy of another country or countries., War Hawks - Any Western leader who wanted to go to war against Britain to stop British aid to Native Americans and to force British out of Canada., Blockade - Stopping things from going in and out of a place. impressment,,, Port - A coastal location that has a harbor in which ships can dock, Allies - Two or more countries who are working together toward the same purpose as a result of a mutual agreement, Neutrality - Refusal to take part in a war between other powers, Deserter - A member of an army who abandons their service before their service term is up., Hartford Convention - A secret meeting of Federalist delegates who were dissatisfied with Pres. James Madison’s policies and the progress of the War of 1812, Secession - the action of withdrawing formally from membership of a political state.,

War of 1812 Vocabulary Words 1

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