1) literary works written in a stage play format which includes dialogue and stage directions that is intended to be performed a) Stage direction b) Playwright c) Character tag  d) Drama/Play 2) a subdivision of a play where there is new character, new setting, or both a new character and setting a) Character  b) Script c) Drama/Play d) Scene 3) a part of a play similar to a chapter of a book a) Character tag  b) Character  c) Act d) Drama/Play 4) specific phrases, actions, or mannerisms displayed regularly by a character that make them memorable in the reader’s mind a) Drama/Play b) Stage direction c) Scene d) Character tag  5) a person or thing who plays a role in a book, play, or movie a) Character  b) Dramatization c) Act d) Character tag  6) descriptions or instructions in a play that provide information about characters, dialogue, setting, and actions a) Stage direction b) Character  c) Drama/Play d) Act 7) a play or movie made from a novel or an event a) Character  b) Character tag  c) Dramatization d) Drama/Play 8) The person who wrote the play a) Script b) Stage direction c) Scene d) Playwright 9) the written dialogue for actors, that includes stage directions and is divided into acts and scenes a) Act b) Script c) Drama/Play d) Character 

Unit 4: Drama Vocabulary


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