Propaganda - is the spreading of ideas to promote a cause or damage an opposing cause. It is a specific type of message aimed at trying to influence people's opinions or behaviors actively., Command Economy - all of the economic decisions are made by the central government., Five Year Plans - These plans set high production goals for industries like mining, railroads, electric plants and manufacturers, Collectivization - Peasants were required to give up their farming equipment, livestock, produce, and even their homes to the government. Goal was to increase agricultural output., Holodomor - Forced Famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933, Great Purge - Justified as an attempt to expel ‘opportunists’ and ‘counter-revolutionary infiltrators.’ Those targeted were often expelled from the party, however more severe measures ranged from banishment to the Gulag labor camps to execution after trials., Gulag - Labor camps, Kulak - rich peasants , Nicholas II - last Czar of Russia, Bloody Sunday - 1905 peaceful protesters were fired on, October Manifesto - enacted by the Czar in a response to Bloody Sunday; allowed for more rights and a Duma, Duma - elected legislature that would limit the power of Nicholas II, Rasputin - Person who was able to win the trust of the Czarina (the Czar’s wife) and began asserting greater control over the Russian government., Provisional (temporary) government - Came to power after monarchy was overthrown,, but made the costly mistake of staying in WW I, Lenin - leader of the Russian Revolution; led the Bolsheviks and promised Peace, Bread, and Land, Treaty of Brest Litovsk - withdrew Russian from WWI, loss of territory, Bolsheviks - Lenin's followers, also known as Reds, USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, NEP New Economic Policy - allowed for elements of both Capitalism and Communism, Cheka - Secret Police,
Russian Revolution
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