1) The cat is _________ the table. a) in b) on c) under 2) The cat is _______ the box. a) in b) on c) under 3) The cat is ____ the chair. a) on b) in c) under 4) The cat is ____ the wordrobe.  a) in b) on c) under 5) The dog is _____ the cupboard. a) on b) in c) under 6) The hamster is ________ the skateboard. a) under b) in c) on 7) The ball is _________ the table.  a) in b) under c) on 8) Books are _______the bookshelf.  a) in b) on c) under 9) Pencils are _____the pencilcase.  a) in b) on c) under 10) The cake is __________ the table.  a) in b) under c) on

In, on, under


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