1) My mother _______ a window when she was doing chores. a) broke b) was breaking 2) Fortunately, I _______ popcorn when the movie started a) ate b) wasn´t eating 3) The teacher called while I _________ a) studied b) was studying 4) They ________ a tv series when the dog barked a) watched b) were watching 5) I drank water while I __________ in a marathon  a) ran b) was running 6) The teacher was singing _______ the bell rang. a) when b) while 7) 2. I didn’t turn on the TV _______ my friends were visiting. a) When b) while 8) 3. We were drinking soda _______ my mom called me. a) when b) while 9) 4. _______ my cousin was chatting on Facebook, she dropped her phone. a) when b) while 10) My dad was working _______ he won the lottery a) when b) while

When or while


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