Metabolism - All chemical reactions in all body cells, Anabolism - Building new compounds, Catabolism - Breaking down compounds, Enzymes - Speed up chemical reactions, Coenzymes - Assist enzymes, Hormones - Regulate anabolic and catabolic reactions, ATP - Provides energy for all cell activities, Anaerobic metabolism - Performed in the absence of oxygen, Aerobic metabolism - Performed in the presence of oxygen, Glycolysis - The first stage of ATP production, Acetyl CoA Production - The second stage of ATP production, TCA cycle - The third stage of ATP production, Electron transport chain - The fourth stage of ATP production, Oxaloacetate - Reacts with Acetyl CoA to product electron carriers, Lactate - Produced when there is not enough oxygen, Acetyl CoA - Produced when there is enough oxygen,

Intro to Metabolism

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