1) Which is the correct spelling of the word? a) idea b) ideea c) ideuh 2) Which is the correct spelling of the word? a) useual b) yousual c) usual 3) Which is the correct spelling of the word? a) raydeo b) radio c) radeo 4) Which is the correct spelling of the word? a) Endea b) India c) india 5) Which is the correct spelling of the word? a) piano b) peano c) pianno 6) Which word correctly completes the following sentence? Please be __________ while students are testing. a) quiet b) quit c) quite 7) Which is the correct spelling of the word? a) syence b) scince c) science 8) Which is the correct spelling of the word? a) viddeo b) video c) videeo 9) Which is the correct spelling of the word? a) February b) february c) Febuary 10) Which is the correct spelling of the word? a) meateor b) meteur c) meteor

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