1) She's my mum. She's my dad's... a) sister b) wife c) daughter d) mum 2) This is my brother and my... a) dad b) brother c) mum d) grandpa 3) This is my... a) sister b) dad c) grandpa d) brother 4) He's my dad. He's my mum's... a) dad b) brother c) son d) husband 5) He's my... a) brother b) sister c) dad d) son 6) He's my brother. He's my dad's... a) dad b) son c) brother d) daughter 7) She's my sister. She's my mum's... a) mum b) sister c) daughter d) grandma 8) They're my mum and dad. They're my... a) brothers b) sisters c) chidren d) parents 9) She's my ... a) sister b) daughter c) son d) mum 10) She's my ... a) sister b) grandma c) mum d) dad 11) She is my mum's sister. She is my... a) mum b) cousine c) aunt d) uncle 12) He is my dad's brother. He is my ... a) cousine b) daddy c) uncle d) aunt

My family. Possesive Case

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