1) What are all the nonliving factors in an ecosystem called a) abiotic b) biotic c) environmental  d) natural 2) Which of the following describes biotic factors within an ecosystem? a) The kind of climate in a given region b) The concentration of hydrogen gas in the atmosphere c) Carnivores that eat other animals d) The rate of water flow in a body of water 3)  Jenn and Murphy are studying data from a small forest ecosystem in a city park. The data indicates that the deer population in the forest has grown significantly over the last several years. Why will the size of the deer population most likely decrease in the next few years? a) The deer are competing for oxygen b) The deer are competing for space c) The deer are competing for sunlight d) Hunting in the city park 4) Tropical rainforest have the greatest biodiversity of any type of land ecosystem. How does biodiversity contribute to the sustainability of an ecosystem? a) The presence of more species with different adaptations makes it more likely that some organisms will survive an ecological disaster. b) The presence of a variety of herbivore species that can feed on a large number of different producer species helps ensure abundant prey for predators in the ecosystem. c) All of the above. d) Greater genetic variation within species makes it more likely that some individuals will survive a disease outbreak 5) Students in a science class visited four local ecosystems. The students observed the species present in each ecosystem and recorded their observations in the table above. Based on these observations, which ecosystem is likely to be the least sustainable? a) Ecosystem 1, because it has the fewest species b) Ecosystem 2, because it includes both aquatic and terrestrial species c) Ecosystem 3, because it has few predators d) Ecosystem 4, because it supports many animals


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