Describe a place you have never been to but would like to go someday., What are the significant features of a cafe or restaurant you like?, Describe an important gift you have, explain why it is important., Describe the most impressive moment in your life., How do you acquire knowledge? Give some examples., What is your dream job? Why?, Describe a place in your city that you often visit., Is there any invention that has changed your life recently?, Which study method do you prefer, online courses or traditional classroom?, Describe a painting you have seen before. Why do you like it or dislike it?, What kind of friends do you like? Give reasons., What do you like to read in your free time? For example, magazines, newspapers, or books?, Would you like to live with roommates in college or to live alone?, Is life in modern times easier than in it was for our grandparents?, Do you agree that university education is important? Why or why not?, Describe one of your favourite songs., Do you agree that childhood is the happiest time in life?, Describe one of your favourite movies., Good luck is as important as working hard in achieving success. Do you agree or disagree?, Video games are completely worthless to children. Do you agree or disagree?.
Getting to know you - TOEFL Speaking
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