If you could time travel to any decade, what would it be? Why would you want to go to that time period?, If you had an unexpected free day, what would you do?, What was the most helpful mistake you made this week?, Please finish the sentence: The main thing on my mind right now is...., Name two people or two things that make you laugh., If you could trade places with someone for one day, who would it be?, What is something that made you feel proud recently?, What is something about your life that you wouldn't want to change?, What is your favorite weird food combination?, What is something you have learned about yourself during the pandemic?, Would you rather explore space or the ocean? Why?, You have been granted two wishes. What are you wishing for? The only stipulation is that you can't ask for more wishes. , What is a current goal you have for yourself or a habit you are trying to form?, If you were going to pick a song to listen to right now, what would it be?, Who is someone you appreciate that you haven't told lately?.
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