venture - a new activity, usually in business, that involves risk or uncertainty, ignorance - lack of knowledge, understanding, or information about something, disperse - to spread across or move away over a large area, from a crooked angle - from a different point of view, sovereign - (adj) most important, whirl smth around - to cause smth to move around, famously - in a way that is widely known, relativism - the belief that truth and right and wrong can only be judged in relation to other things and that nothing can be true or right in all situations, provisional - temporary, likely to change, provincial - old-fashioned and narrow-minded, abstraction - smth which exists only as an idea, ideology - beliefs that influence the way people behave, impoverished - very poor, subtle - not obvious, appreciative (of) - showing that you understand and enjoy smth, intrinsic - being an integral part of smth, scrutinise - examine closely, secular - not religious or spiritual, latch onto - to attach oneself to smth literally or figuratively, nimble - quick and agile (mentally or physically), able to think/learn quickly, prejudice - bias, a preconception, receptive (of) - willing to listen to new ideas, undimmed - not getting one's interest weakened,
Onscreen C2 Unit 1a
On Screen C2
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