1) catch on a) connect a machine to a power supply b) become popular c) remove something from online 2) hook up to a) connect a machine to a power supply b) become popular c) remove something from online 3) take down a) connect a machine to a power supply b) become popular c) remove something from online 4) hang out with a) spend time with a particular group of people b) become popular c) remove something from online 5) shut down a) switch off a device b) start doing or having something, especially by signing a  c) to put electricity into a device or battery 6) charge up a) switch off a device b) start doing or having something, e.g.by signing a document c) to put electricity into a device or battery 7) sign up to a) switch off a device b) start doing or having something, e.g.by signing a document c) to put electricity into a device or battery 8) scroll through a) switch off a device b) move text or pictures up or down on a computer or phone  c) to put electricity into a device or battery 9) put up a) switch off a device b) move text or pictures up or down on a computer or phone  c) post something online 10) hack into a) get into someone’s computer without permission in order to get information b) move text or pictures up or down on a computer or phone  c) remove something from online d)

Phrasal verbs -technology

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