1) The lost campers sweltered in the heat of the desert sun. What does sweltered mean? a) ate b) burned c) slept d) sunbathed 2) Congress put a tariff on overseas goods so the price would not be lower than domestic products. What does tariff mean? a) stamp b) prohibition c) ad d) tax 3) The scared rock climber balanced precariously on the edge of the cliff. What does precariously mean? a) gracefully b) lazily c) dangerously d) hopefully 4) We often travel to New England in the autumn to see the bright colors of the fall foliage. What does foliage mean? a) hurricane b) plays c) snow d) leaves 5) Each student was allotted two tickets to the dance. What does allotted mean? a) allowed b) joyful c) taken d) fed 6) The mood was somber at the funeral of the former president. What does somber mean? a) shyly b) serious c) hungry d) plenty 7) The country cottage was just outside the quaint and picturesque town. What does picturesque mean? a) charming b) running c) ruined d) perhaps 8) When he didn't understand the instructions, the student asked the teacher to clarify them. What does clarify mean? a) remove b) call c) explain d) stop 9) The impudent boy was rude to the policeman. What does impudent mean? a) handsome b) carefully c) poor d) bold 10) Cold rain fell all day, making it a dismal Saturday afternoon. What does dismal mean? a) gloomy b) red c) shining d) run 11) The movie star's large and beautiful home was palatial. What does palatial mean? a) ugly b) tiny c) for dogs d) like a palace 12) At the restaurant we were offered a variety of beverages like milk and ice tea. What does beverages mean? a) bread b) silverware c) drinks d) menus 13) Slavery was abolished in the US after the Civil War. What does abolished mean? a) outlawed b) exchanged c) running d) common 14) Pedestrians should look both ways before crossing the street. What does pedestrians mean? a) crosswalks b) walkers c) stoplights d) parrots 15) When I fell off the trampoline, I fractured my arm and wore a cast. What does fractured mean? a) rested b) broke c) avoided d) looked at 16) The class decided to exhibit the science project during Parents night. What does exhibit mean? a) lose b) eat c) trade d) show 17) The frigid water made Elizabeth's teeth chatter. What does frigid mean? a) cold b) clean c) green d) warm 18) Typewriters became obsolete with the development of personal computers. What does obsolete mean? a) popular b) out-dated c) careful d) round 19) His mother gets anxious if he stays outside after dark. What does anxious mean? a) nervous b) silly c) happy d) sleepy 20) After the rainstorm, the rainbow lit up the sky with vivid colors. What does vivid mean? a) dark b) funny c) bright d) normal 21) The generous people fed the emaciated lost dog. What does emaciated mean? a) fierce b) calm c) thin d) tame 22) She invariably leaves her homework at home and must turn it in late. What does invariably mean? a) purposefully b) hated c) happily d) always 23) The mother bathed the baby in the tepid water. What does tepid mean? a) lukewarm b) hot c) muddy d) cold 24) The car collector bought the vintage Ford Mustang. What does vintage mean? a) rose colored b) broken down c) real d) classic 25) The slovenly boy never cleaned his room or washed his hands. What does slovenly mean? a) proud b) sloppy c) careful d) little 26) The policeman arrested the speeder for flagrantly disobeying the speed limit. What does flagrantly mean? a) joyfully b) cautiously c) obviously d) sadly 27) The city council concurred with the excellent recommendations of the library committee. What does concurred mean? a) agreed b) rejected c) argued d) stopped 28) A man of few words, he is known for his brevity. What does brevity mean? a) briefness b) athleticism c) laughter d) skills

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