1) Which one shows 75%? a) b) Genetics c) HOMOzygous DOMINANT genotype d) 2) Which one shows 25%? a) DNA b) Heterozygous genotype c) d) Punnett Square 3) Which ones shows 100%? a) recessive gene b) c) Diversity d) 4) Which one shows 50%? a) b) homozygous recessive genotype c) d) Punnett Square 5) Which one shows 2 out of 4 or 1/2? a) Diversity b) homozygous recessive genotype c) d) DOMINANT gene 6) Which type of genotype is FF? a) HOMOzygous DOMINANT genotype b) homozygous recessive genotype 7) Which type of genotype is Ff? a) Homozygous genotype b) Heterozygous genotype 8) Which type of genotype is ff? a) heterozygous genotype b) homozygous recessive genotype 9) Which type of gene is expressed because it is stronger? a) DOMINANT gene b) recessive gene 10) Trait that is hidden unless there are two is called a __________. a) DOMINANT gene b) recessive gene 11) What do we call the diagram to predict traits of offspring? a) HOMOzygous DOMINANT genotype b) Punnett Square 12) What do we call the study of genes and heredity? a) Heterozygous genotype b) Genetics c) DOMINANT gene 13) What do we call the blueprints of your genes and traits? a) DNA b) Heterozygous genotype c) Punnett Square 14) What do we call the range of differences from animal to animal? a) homozygous recessive genotype b) DNA c) diversity d)

Genetics Practice Quiz

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