Would you rather delete social media, or live without your phone? , Would you rather end all wars or human hunger ? , Would you rather be the oldest or youngest child? , The hardest decision of my life was.. , I can't imagine life without.. , My friends would describe me as.., I would like to learn how to.. , If you could get rid of one fear, what would it be? , Who motivates you the most in the world and why?, Would you rather have a lifetime of richness or happiness and why?, If you can choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be and why?, Are you content with the counseling program? Did you expect to feel like this? , Where is your happy place? Why is it so special? , One thing I regret was......, If you can have one wish, what would it be? , My ideal soulmate would be described as....., My favorite food/ dessert is..... , Would you rather exercise or watch tv?, Would you rather prefer the winter or summer?, My worst memory was...........
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