שְׁמַע - This prayer might be called Judaism's "motto." It literally means "listen or hear" and we sometimes close our eyes while saying it., וְאָהַבְתָּ - This prayer reminds us of different ways to show love for God., שָׁלוֹם - This is the Hebrew word for peace. There are at least three different blessings in our t'filah that ask for peace., קִדּוּשׁ - This blessing makes Shabbat holy., עֲמִידָה - This is a series of prayers that is so important that we stand while saying them., אָבוֹת וְאִמָהוֹת - This blessing reminds us of our ancestors., גְּבוּרוֹת - This is the second blessing in the Amidah; it talks about God's power or strength., קְדֻשָׁה - This is the third blessing in the Amidah; it means "holiness.", בָּרְכוּ - This prayer is often called the "call to worship" because it officially starts communal prayers., יוֹצֵר אוֹר - This prayer celebrates morning light., מַעֲרִיב עָרָבִים - This prayer celebrates the bringing on of evening. Erev Tov!, מִי כָמוֹכָה - This prayer is what the Israelites sang after crossing the Red Sea.,

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