Proactive, Reactive, Evaluates environment, classroom, culture, Evaluates Student, Intentional, Cause and Effect, Designs instruction prior to arrival of students, Retrofits Instruction, Focuses on Variability, Focuses on individual disability, Values variety, Conforms to "normal", Removes barriers, Works around barriers, Accommodations are for specific students, Accommodations are for all students, The teacher decides how the material is taught, The teacher works with the student to decide how the student will learn the material , The classroom has a fixed setup, There is one way for a student to complete an assignment , The classroom has a flexible set up  , There are multiple ways for a student to complete an assignment, UDL is a separate subject/ curriculum, UDL is not used in middle and high school, UDL must be used in every subject/ everyday, UDL is only good for lower achieving students.

UDL is vs. is not

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