First - Uranus was the god of sky and married lovely Gaea , the goddness of the earth., Second - Together they had a son named Saturn,, Third - after many years of marriage, they had a violent argument and split up, even since then, earth and sky have been apart., Fourth - Saturn, the god of time, married Ops, the goddness of salty water, Fifth - and they had three handsome sons :Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto., Sixth - Jupiter was the king of the gods and he was very powerful., Seventh - He married four times. His first wife , Juno, was the queen of the gods and the goddness of the women and marriage. , Eighth - They had one son named Mars, who became the god of war. He protected the Roman soldiers., Ninth - Jupiter´s second wife was Dione, with whom he had a beautiful daughter named Venus., Tenth - She was born in the sea and because she was very beautiful, she bacame the goddness of beauty and love., Eleventh - One day, Jupiter met Maia and could not resist her, he divorced Dione and married her. , Twelfth - After some time, they had a handsome baby boy named Mercury,, Thirteenth - the messenger of the gods, the gods of the travelers., Fourteenth - He had some special sandals that made him fly., Fifteenth - Later on, Jupiter fell in love with another woman and married Latona, , Sixteenth - a young and beautiful goddness , with whom he had twins: Apollo and Diana., Seventeeth - Apollo was the god of the sun and Diana the goddness of the moon and she helped women in childbirth., Eighteenth - The other Saturn and Ops´son was Neptune, the god of the sea., nineteenth - He used a trident . He never married and had no children, twentieth - He didn´t have a horse. He rode a dolphin., Twenty-first - Then, comes Pluto, who was the god of dead, Twenty-second - and married the beautiful Proserpina, the goddness of spring., Twenty-third - They had no children and lived together for the rest of their lives., Twenty-fourth - Mars, the son of Jupiter and Juno, was the god of war and fell in love , Twenty-fifth - with his half sister Venus. In that time this was very common., Twenty-sixth - They had one son: Cupid, the mischievous little god of love., Twenty-seventh - He used a bow and an arrow and anyone hit by one of his arrows fell maddly in love.,
Roman Gods: story...
5th Grade
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