1) Define verbatim a) existing everywhere, widespread b) beginner or novice c) using exactly the same words d) violent, unrestrained e) to change direction 2) Define tyro a) existing everywhere, widespread b) beginner or novice c) using exactly the same words d) violent, unrestrained e) to change direction 3) Define veer a) existing everywhere, widespread b) beginner or novice c) using exactly the same words d) violent, unrestrained e) to change direction 4) Define ubiquitous a) existing everywhere, widespread b) beginner or novice c) using exactly the same words d) violent, unrestrained e) to change direction 5) Define unbridled a) existing everywhere, widespread b) beginner or novice c) using exactly the same words d) violent, unrestrained e) to change direction

SAT Review: tyro, ubiquituous, unbridled, veer, & verbatim

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