1) The cat is ... the chair a) in b) on c) under d) next to (by) e) in front of f) behind 2) The cat is ... the bowl a) in b) on c) under d) next to (by) e) in front of f) behind 3) The cat is ... the TV a) in b) on c) under d) next to (by) e) in front of f) behind 4) The cat is ... the door a) in b) on c) under d) next to (by) e) in front of f) behind 5) The cat is ... the vase a) in b) on c) under d) next to (by) e) in front of f) behind 6) The cat is ... the sofa a) in b) on c) under d) next to (by) e) in front of f) behind 7) The cat is ... the boxes a) in b) between c) under d) next to (by) e) in front of f) behind


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