The teacher asks you to randomly read outload in class. , A high school dance is coming up you want to ask a girl you like to go with you., The teacher randomly calls on you to answer a question., You have to do a presentation about a specific topic in front of your class., The teacher assign you to a group with random people. And you guys have to complete a group project and present it together. , A girl that you like walks up to you and asks you a question. , You are on the high school basketball team and have just won your first game. You are overly excited. Your friend asks you how it went., You turned in a assignment and didn't get the grade you wanted so you are really angry. You go and have a talk with your teacher., It is the first day of school. Your teacher wants everyone to participate in a speed dating game as an icebreaker to get to know your new classmates., Your not feeling so well and have to call your coach on the phone that you will not be attending practice..
Stuttering High School Scenarios
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