1) Lines that run east to west and measure north to south are called a) latitude b) longitude c) meridians d) lines 2) Lines that run north to south and measure east to west are called a) latitude b) longitude c) Parallels d) lines 3) Another name for lines of Latitude is a) latitude b) longitude c) Parallels d) lines 4) Another name for lines of Longitude is a) latitude b) longitude c) meridians d) lines 5) The highest degree of latitude is _______degrees a) 180 b) 90 c) 0 d) 45 6) Lines of longitude touch at a) the equator b) the poles c) the prime meridian d) wait a sec.... they don't touch 7) The highest latitude the sun will ever reach is _______ degrees a) 90 b) 180 c) 0 d) 23.5 8) New York State is in the ________ & ________Hemispheres. a) north and south b) east and west c) north and west d) north and east 9) The highest degree of longitude is _____ degrees. a) 90 b) 180 c) 23.5 d) 45 10) Denver's longitude is approximately ______degrees a) 100dg W b) 105dgW c) 30dgN 11) Letter E has a latitude of a) 0dg b) 150dg N c) 150dgW 12) Letters B,C and D are all in the western hemisphere. a) True b) False 13) The Atlantic ocean is only in the western hemisphere. a) True b) False 14) 90 dgs south is also known as what? a) North Pole b) South pole c) West pole d) East pole 15) The 4 cardinal directions are a) north, southeast, west, and northwest b) North, East, South, and West c) Southwest, NorthWest, Southeast, and Northeast d) East, West, South, and top 16) The Science of making maps is known as Cartography. a) True b) False 17) The Physical shape of Earth is what? a) sphere b) round c) Flat d) oblate spheroid e) Doughnut 18) The average circumference of earth is a) 50,000 km b) 40,000 miles c) 40,000 km d) 50,000 miles

latitude and Longitude

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