Getting a candy bar - Choosing the kind, paying for it, opening the wrapper, taking a big bite, chewing, Bowling - Standing in the right place, holding the ball correctly, pulling the ball back, rolling the ball down the alley, knocking the pins down, Going to dance lessons - Putting on special clothes, doing warm-up exercises, listening to the teacher, listening to the music, practicing the steps, Baking bread - Mixing the ingredients, kneading the dough, putting dough in a pan, baking the dough, cutting off a slice , Making cookies - Mixing the ingredients, rolling the dough, putting the dough on baking sheet, baking, putting on icing, Rescuing a kitten - Climbing a tree, calling softly, reaching out, moving slowly, holding gently, Building a tree house - Choosing a good spot, gathering lumber, using nails and saws, building a ladder, Wrapping a present - Finding a box, choosing the right paper, folding and taping the paper in place, adding a bow, Playing football - Putting on special clothes and gear, doing warm-up exercises, going out on the field, running, passing, kicking, scoring, Putting a puzzle together - Opening the box, dumping out the pieces, turning the pieces over, building the frame, fitting pieces together,
Comprehension: Main Idea Match-Up #1
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