bar graph - a graph that compares categories of data in vertical bars., pie chart - Divides 100% of the data into pie shaped pieces, pictograph - Uses pictures as visuals for dividing of category data, line graph - A graph that divides up changes over time on the x-axis, Y axis - the vertical axis on a graph, X axis - the horizontal axis on a graph, title - tells you what information that is being graphed, 19 - How many people own cats and dogs?, 2 - How many people own goldfish than rabbits?, red - Which color is the second most popular?, blue and purple - Which 2 colors added are the same as the percentage of people that like green?, 25% - What percentage of the people like action movies?, 50% - What percentage of the people like sci-fi and romance total?, 2 inches - How much rainfall did city 2 have in March?, 1 inch - How much rainfall did city 1have in July?, 10 hours - How much time is spent on sleep?, 8 hours - How much time is spent on classes and gadgets??, a tally mark chart - What kind of data chart is this one?, 31 - How many people took the fruit survey?, 16 - How many like bananas or strawberries total?, Chicago - Which city had the most snow in March?, New York - Which city had the most snow in December??, cricket - Which sport is the most popular for boys?, basketball - Which sport is the most popular for girls?, tennis - Which sport is equally the most popular for boys and girls?,
Graphing and Analyzing Data
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