1) 1. They were interviewing her for the job. (She ________________ for the job) a) was being interviewed b) was interviewed c) has been interviewed 2) 2. Tom is writing the letter. (The letter ________________ by Tom.) a) was written b) is being written c) has been written 3) Nowadays, English ________________ by everyone. a) is understood b) has been understood c) was understood 4) This issue ________________ by the employees during the meeting last week. a) has been brought up b) is brought up c) was brought up 5) He ________________ by the professor for talking in class yesterday. a) has been told off b) was told off c) was being told off 6) Women ________________ to be smarter than men all the time. a) were being said b) were said c) are said 7) So many houses ________________ by the fire recently. a) has been destroyed b) was being destroyed c) is destroyed 8) You ________________ by her if you had asked first. a) would have been told b) would be told c) were being told 9) The offer ________________ by her anyway. a) will have been rejected b) would be rejected c) will be rejected 10) I ________________ by this every day. a) would have been surprised b) will be surprised c) am surprised

AC1-01 Passive voice

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