1) What is the formula to calculate speed? a) S=D/T b) S=DxT c) S=D+T d) S=T/D 2) What is the speed if the distance is 10m and the time is 2 seconds? a) 12m/s b) 5m/s c) 8m/s d) 0.2m/s 3) What is the speed if the distance is 4m and the time is 1 second? a) 4m/s b) 3m/s c) 5m/s d) 0.25m/s 4) What is the speed if the distance is 8m and the time is 4 seconds? a) 2m/s b) 12m/s c) 4m/s d) 0.5m/s 5) What is the speed if the distance is 16m and the time is 2 seconds? a) 8m/s b) 18m/s c) 14m/s d) 0.17m/s

Speed Practice

Lyderių lentelė

Vizualinis stilius


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