Spanish-American War - It was fought between the United States and Spain in 1898. Hostilities began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba., Cuba - Cuba was a Spanish colony. General Weyler (Spain) used brutal methods, forcing Cuban peasants into "concentration camps"., Jose’ Marti - Cuban patriot who launched a war for independence from Spain in 1895., Ostend Manifesto - Document (1854) that described the rationale for the United States to purchase Cuba from Spain., Yellow Journalism - Newspapers that used sensational headlines and exaggeration to promote readership. (To stir public opinion / interest), William Randolph Hearst - Owner of the New York Journal who, along with Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World, started the Yellow Press., Humanitarian - A person who seeks to promote human welfare; a philanthropist. (humanitarian aid is to save lives), De Lomé Letter - It was written by the Spanish Prime minister of Cuba in which he described President McKinley as a "weak and feeble president"., U.S.S. Maine - It exploded in Havana Harbor in 1898 and precipitated U.S. entry into the Spanish-American War., Rough Riders - Volunteer cavalry unit assembled by Theodore Roosevelt, famous for their 1898 charge at San Juan Hill., San Juan Hill - This fight for the heights was the bloodiest and most famous battle of the war. (TR and the Rough Riders / Fight for high ground, Imperialism - Policy by which stronger nations extend their political, economic, and military, control over weaker territories., Alfred Thayer Mahan - Naval historian who advocated for naval power as the basis for a great nation. He urged the United States to build a modern fleet., Anti-Imperialist League - An organization founded in 1898 to protest and combat the nation's forcible overseas expansion., Teller Amendment - (1898) It proclaimed that the United States would not establish permanent control over Cuba. Cuba became a U.S. protectorate., Platt Amendment - Set of conditions under which Cuba was granted independence in 1902. The Teller Amendment was succeeded by the Platt Amendment.,
American Imperialism part 1
11th Grade
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