1) They sat on the deck at ___________. a) backpack b) cannot c) sunset d) upset 2) Ben fixed his __________. a) sunset b) pigpen c) upset d) tomcat 3) Put your pens and laptop in your ___________.  a) backpack b) catnip c) Bobcats d) pigpen 4) Kim gives Bud a bit of _________. a) catnip b) tomcat c) sunset d) cannot 5) __________ live in dens. a) cannot b) upset c) tomcat d) Bobcats 6) Ben ________ add well. a) sunset b) backpack c) cannot d) Bobcats 7) Did the mess _________ Dot? a) upset b) tomcat c) cannot d) catnip 8) The ________ fell into the pit.  a) catnip b) sunset c) tomcat d) backpack


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