claim - a statement about an issue or problem, counterclaim - a response to an opposing view, evidence - facts, opinions, examples or other reliable information that support a claim, conclusion - the end of an argument that asks readers to do something or think in a particular way, point of view - position, audience - readers, credibility - the quality of being trusted and believed in, facts - information that can be proved true or untrue, appeal to ethics - a method of persuasion based on the author's credibility, anecdote - a brief story, appeal to logic - a method of persuasion based on evidence and reasoning, appeal to emotion - a method of persuasion based on feelings like fear, envy, hatred, sympathy, and so on., bias - prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person or group compared with another, legitimate - able to be defended with logic or justification, objective (adj.) - not influenced by personal feelings or opinions, analyze - to examine methodically and in detail,
Elements of Persuasion Terminology
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