Weight - The thickness and density of your hair. Can ask for less of this to get lighter hair., Wash, cut and blowdry - this is when hair is washed, cut, dried and styled at the salon, Trim - a small amount of hair cut off the ends of the hair to neaten your existing style, Thinning - thick hair is thinned down with scissors to make it more manageable, Parting - the place on top of your head where the hair parts to the left and right, Bantu Knots - A term used for many ethnic groups in Africa. A protective style where the hair is parted into smaller sections and coiled into small buns., Pixie Cut - very short and shaped to frame the face, usually describes a woman’s short hairstyle, Wavy - Not straight or curly, but curves slightly., Fade - similar to tapered but a fade goes down to the skin, Locs - Locking hair strands together by twisting them or leaving them to matte until individual ropes are formed, Straight - Hair that lies flat on the head and is not curly., Perm - a chemical treatment that makes hair curly permanently, Towel dry - hair is dried with a towel, Crew cut - similar to a short back and sides, where the top is cut with scissors to give it more texture and length, while the sides and back are tapered with an electric razor, Lob - A combination of the words “long” and “bob,” a longer bob.,
Haircut Vocabulary Pt. 2
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