1) Qalqalah letters are a) قطب جد b) خص ضغط قظ 2) Hard letters are a) قطب جد b) خص ضغط قظ 3) What the meaning of Al-Layl? a) night b) sun c) day d) moon 4) What is the meaning of Al-Shams a) sun b) day c) moon d) night 5) What does فك رقبة mean? a) Freeing of a slave b) Feed the poor c) Do Zakkah 6) Tounge letters are a) ن م b) ا ي و c) ث ظ ذ 7) Madd letters are a) ا ي و b) ث ظ ذ c) ن م 8) Ghunnah letters are  a) ن م b) ث ظ ذ

Quran and Tajweed

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