Large Landowners - These men were generally wealthy and powerful. They had a large amount of land, and usually had many workers., Free Africans - These people may have been freed by their masters, or they may have been the children or grandchildren of a freed slave., Farmers - Worked the land area and harvested their crops. They may or may not have owned their own land, and many of them were very poor. , Artisans - These are skilled workers, like a carpenter or blacksmith, who makes things by hand. They usually had shops in town from where they would sell their creations., Women - These people had very few rights, but were essential to survival in colonial days., Native Americans - These people were generally treated unfairly by the English colonists., Merchants - These people usually owned and operated a store where they sold things like sugar, spices, cloth, and food. They did not create the good they sold.,

New England Colonies Social Classes

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