tener calor - to be hot, tener miedo - to be afraid, scared, tener risa - to laugh, tener razón - to be right, tener problemas - to have problems, tener prisa - to be in a hurry, tener sueňo - to be sleepy, tener éxito - to be successful, tener cuidado - to be careful, tener suerte - to be lucky, tener vergüenza - to be ashamed, tener celos - to be jealous, estar listo (a) - to be ready, estar seguro (a) - to be safe, estar preocupado (a) - to be worried, preoccupied, estar cansado (a) - to be tired, estar borracho (a) - to be drunk, estar calmado - to be calm, estar deprimido - to be depressed, estar desilusionado - to be disappointed, estar enamorado - to be in love, estar aburrido - to be bored, estar equivocado - to be wrong, estar limpio - to be clean, estar sucio - to be dirty, tener que... - to have to, tener ganas de... - to feel like, tener ... años - to be ... years old,
Práctica de Emociones 1
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